Clyth MacLeod Business Sales. Established 1972.

We are a family owned, and run, business brokerage located in Auckland and we sell businesses throughout New Zealand.

Having successfully sold around 9,000 businesses over 52 years we have a proven track record of service to sellers and to buyers of businesses.



Our company was founded by Clyth MacLeod.  His dedication to his craft of selling businesses awarded him of the accolade of a Life Membership of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) and a Life Membership of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) in the USA.

Clyth sold his first business, a Four Square store in Otahuhu in 1962. Humble beginnings for a very humble man. He went on to establish Clyth MacLeod Business Sales in 1972. Devoting almost 60 years to his profession. His abundance of knowledge and most importantly his willingness to share this knowledge so freely with other business brokers, professional advisors, clients and customers worldwide rewarded him with enormous respect from many. He loved people of all ethnicity, and he was very proud of our diverse culture in New Zealand.

Clyth simply loved selling businesses. He is renowned in New Zealand, Australia and the USA as the Guru in business sales and those that had the opportunity to work alongside this mighty man are fortunate and proud to have had the benefit of his teachings over the many decades. He leaves an incredible legacy and he will always be remembered with revere.

Clyth believed in keeping it simple, and that business should be fun. He quotes as Dr Seuss says "You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so... get on your way!"



Glorianne Campbell joined Clyth MacLeod Business Sales in September 1995 and worked as a business broker and then stepped  into management alongside Clyth around 2000.   She has always recognized Clyth as a very special friend, business mentor and a family member. her business principals, ethics and business acumen reflect years of working alongside him.

In 2018 she took ownership of Clyth MacLeod Business Sales. And in 2019 an opportunity presented itself for the acquisition of Company Sales & Acquisitions.  This company had an unblemished history and had been trading since 1989.  Glorianne seized this opportunity, she could see the benefit in merging the two companies together.

Glorianne is a Certified Business Intermediary and a fellow of the International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) based in the USA and is also a fellow of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ). She has held the position as a committee member for the Auckland District of the Real Estate Institute and has also served firstly a term as vice president and then as president of the Auckland District of the Real Estate Institute of NZ. She has also served as a chairperson for the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) and has willingly served as a member of the REA Industry Advisors Group for business sales.

"Clyth has set the bar high for our team and I, like Clyth remain steadfastly committed to specialising in the sale of businesses, willingly sharing my knowledge and practicing honesty and sound ethics in all dealings at all times".