Company sales & acquistions 

Matt Gumbley was the founder of Company Sales & Acquisitions. Matt a chartered accountant with a background in accounting, merchant banks and senior corporate roles then became an M&A specialist with a merchant bank before becoming a very well respected business broker. He established Company Sales & Acquisitions in 1989. Both Clyth and Glorianne shared a very friendly and co-operative relationship with Matt the founder of this company. Matt approached Glorianne and asked her to take on his company and in particular his three business brokers Alan, Craig and Howard. Glorianne embraced the opportunity and Matt retired in 2019. At the time of amalgamating the two brokerages Matt had been selling businesses through Company Sales and Acquisitions for around 30 years and Clyth MacLeod for almost 50 years. A wealth of experience was shared between these two men and all those that have had the privilege to work alongside them. Over the many years professionalism, trustworthiness and honesty always reinforced.


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