Simple Roast Takeaway - Well Set Up (CML 10468)


This is a well set up roast shop offering fresh roast meals and fast food. This business is situated in one of the busiest shopping complexes in West Auckland, bringing excellent foot traffic.


Business Highlights

- The current owner has advised weekly sales of around $11,000 - $12,000 which can be verified by attendance.

- Reasonable rent of $3,200 excluding GST monthly.- Only 2-3 staff are required to run every day. The Labour cost is very low. 

- The business is well equipped with a walk-in cool room. 

- There is good parking available in front of the store.

This opportunity is perfect for a working couple or family. The current owner is selling due to other commitments. 

 Price: $150,000 plus stock (possible vendor finance to approved buyer and subject to vendor approval)


Do not miss out on this great business opportunity. For more information, please contact Ray on 021556122.




State Auckland
Price $150,000 plus stock
Business ID 10468
Category Food/Hospitality

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Agent Details

Ray Wu Business Broker Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008
021556122 +64 9 630 9491