
Well Established Cafe Located in Busy Northshore Area (CML 10730)

This business is located in one of the busiest Northshore industrial areas and is an absolutely great Cafe business. The owner says “must go”!

Plenty of car parks are available in front of the Cafe and nearby. Huge potential to grow this business due to area development. 

Business Highlights

- The Business owner advises current weekly sales of approximately $10,000

- Well-established Cafe business with great equipment and plant

- Seating for approximately 70 patrons

- Huge potential to grow the business!

- Great location for a Cafe 

- Plenty of car parks available nearby

Do not miss out on this great business opportunity. For more information, please contact Ray on 021556122.

Asking Price: $128,000 + Stock of $3,000


State AUK
Price SOLD
Business ID 10730
Category Food/Hospitality

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Agent Details

Ray Wu Business Broker Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008
021556122 +64 9 630 9491