Under Contract

Established Screen Printing Business for Sale - (CML 11175)

Generating sales of $878,190 for 2024 with a profit to the working owner of $93,000 for the year.

This business will require relocating as the lease is not being renewed.

All the necessary plant, equipment and stock is in place to take care of the day to day operation.

The business also boasts an informative website that enhances its market presence and customer reach.

The current owner, after a successful tenure of over 23 years and with strong support from four full-time employees, is ready to retire.

This transition presents an excellent opportunity for a new energetic owner or as an acquisition to an existing operation to further expand this well-established business.

Operates Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 4:30 PM, allowing for work-life balance.

Price: $220,000

For more information, please contact Ben on 021 036 4688.

**To gain further information on this business please copy and paste this link into your browser; https://rebrand.ly/1ef2a8. You will be taken to the listing, click on CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT and please read the terms of before you complete our online form**


State AUK
Price $220,000 including stock
Business ID 11175
Category Services

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Agent Details

Ben Hong Business Broker Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008
0210364688 +64 9 630 9491 ben@cmbusiness.co.nz