
Real Estate Office and Rent Roll

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang5129{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\fs20 This is a long established agency in fast growing suburb of Beachlands. Beachlands and Maraetai are beautiful seaside suburbs located East of Auckland which togethewith Whitford and Clevedon, being surrounding suburbs, make up the Pohutakawa Coast. Whitford is approx 10 minutes away heading towards Howick while Clevedon is 15 minutes away heading towards Papakura. With a population of around 7,000 this is expected to double over the coming 5 years with developments in the area and also Auckland's expansion needs.The attraction to Beachlands and Maraetai has risen quite rapidly as they are quiet, rural and coastal lifestyle villages with easy access to the city centres, just 25 minutes ferry ride from Auckland central and Britomart. Also close to Botany and the airport and only moments from the Formosa Country Club which consists of a world class Bob CHarles designed golf course, restaurant, deluxe accomodation and convention centre. Perform Fitness is located at Formosa on the way into Formosa and is complete with tennis court, squash court and swimming pool. Adjacent to the Formosa Country Club is Pine Harbour Marina complete with marina berths, public boat ramp, boat builders, electrical and marine engineers, cafes, restaurants, chandlery shop and various other facilities. Pine Harbour Marina also operates a very popular week day ferry service to Downtown Auckland and once a week run to Waiheke. The ferry is of huge benefit for the city commuters who wish to avoid the motorway's peak hour traffic, parking hassles and want to arrive fresh and unstressed. There is excellent schooling available. Plenty of clubs to belong to. There is so much on offer here and a real wonderful community spirit.\par \par The real estate office has steady sales and the bonus of a rent roll of around 50 properties. Financials are available. There is plenty of future upside here. \par \par This office has a manager in place and also a property manager taking care of the rental properties. And has had around 6-7 salespeople, there are new recruits joining currently and the owner advises the office runs ideally with around 10 salespeople.\par \par The owner is retiring but very willing to give every assistance and will also consider staying on as a salesperson for a while as he lives local. \par \par Value at $340,000 total price. \par \par Strict confidentiality requirements.\par }


State Auckland
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Business ID 7383
Category Services

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