
Fruit & Vege Shop With Stable Sales

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\f1\fmodern\fcharset0 Tahoma;}{\f2\fmodern\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qj\lang5129\f0\fs24\par \pard\f1 This fruit and vege shop is in a really handy location with a butcher shop right next door.\par \par Customer call into the butcher shop then buy their fresh fruit and vege. This store is really\par cute and small so you can find everything because it's right in front of you.\par \par \b LOCATION:\par \par \b0 This fruit & vege shop is located at 1034 Beach Road, Torbay.\par \par \b HOURS:\par \par \b0 Trading 7 days from 8am to 6pm.\par \par \b OWNERS AND STAFF:\par \par \b0 Two owners running this business. The current owners has owned this business for 12\par years and now wants to retire.\par \b\f2\fs36\par \f1\fs24 LEASE AND RENT:\par \par \b0 The rent is $1,913 per month incl GST. Rates are $680.76 every 3 months.\par \par \b LEASED PLANT:\par \par \b0 The EFTPOS system is on lease.\par \par \b PRICE:\par \par \pard\qj\b0 The asking prie $85,000 + stock of approx. $8,000.\f0\par }


State Auckland
Price SOLD
Business ID 7635
Category Food/Hospitality

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Agent Details

Kevin Lee Business Broker Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008
021575898 +64 9 630 9491