Bakery businesses can come in many styles (Specialist, Artisan, General) and ethnicities (Euro/Old fashioned Kiwi, French, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Korean, Indian) and can assume many forms, the most common being:

Wholesale Bakery - Will typically produce and sell their products to other businesses such as cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, specialty shops, retail bakeries etc. And will likely have a more predictable but lesser number of customers. They also are likely to produce greater volumes than a retail bakery so will generally require a greater investment in bakery plant and equipment than your average retail bakery, but as a business to business type operation will also probably save money on rent without the need for a high-profile retail location.

Retail Bakery – Will typically produce and retail mainly bakery items such as breads, pies and pastries, croissants, cakes and slices, desserts etc direct to the customers. Likely to have a large display area and so in addition to the bakery area will require a retail shop front location and extra staff to sell the items. Varied styles of bakery businesses:
Specialist bakery, Artisan, Wholesale
Bakery products - Breads, Bagels, Cakes, Sweets, Pies, Pastries
Ethnic – Euro/Old fashioned Kiwi, French, Cambodian, Taiwanese, Korean

Bakery/Café – Similar to a retail bakery but with a sit-down area for customers to also enjoy a barista made coffee with their food. Most bakery/cafes will produce all their items from scratch thereby increasing substantially their gross profits. Also they would generally be likely to have less reliance on a menu than a normal café.

Bakery/Lunchbar – Similar to the traditional lunch bar in so far as in addition to some of the usual bakery items it will include quick lunch items such as filled sandwiches, fries etc but also with an emphasis on producing all items from scratch.

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