
Superette With Accommodation on the North Shore

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\qj\lang5129\f0\fs24\par This business is located in a very desirable, accessible busy road frontage surrounded by other businesses in a block of shops. Very close to schools. \par \par There is a huge potential to grow this business further. This is a great opportunity not to be missed. \par \par \b LOCATION:\par \par \b0 Located at 164 Birkdale road, Birkdale.\par \par \b HOURS:\par \par \b0 Trading 7 days from 8am to 8.30pm.\par \par \b OWNERS AND STAFF:\par \par \b0 Two working owners run this business. Due to genuine family issue the owners have decided to sell the business.\par \par \b LEASE AND RENT:\par \par \b0 The rent is only $607 incl. GST per week with a bonus of a 3 bedroom accommodation.\par \par \b SALES AND PROFITS:\par \par \b0 We are advised that the weekly sales are approx. $8,000. \par \par \b PRICE:\par \par \b0 The asking price $85,000 plus stock of approx. $20,000.\par \par \par }


State Auckland
Price SOLD
Business ID 7698
Category Food/Hospitality

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Agent Details

Ray Wu Business Broker Licensed Salesperson REAA 2008
021556122 +64 9 630 9491