
Hair Salon in Epsom/Mt Eden Area

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang5129{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Tahoma;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24\par \pard\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \qj\lang1033\f1 This is a beautifully presented and well run Hair Salon situated on a busy road with very good parking out front. Sales have increased over the last year or so and this is due to additional hairdressers joining the business.\par \par This business is poised to be run at a capacity a new owner wishes to drive the business at.\par \pard\qj\b\par \pard\brdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \brdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp20 \brdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\brsp80 \qj LOCATION:\par \par \b0 Located at 53 Buckley Road Epsom a lovely warm sunny shop with excellent supporting local clientele.\par \par \b HOURS:\b0 \par \par Trades 5 days a week only from Tuesday to Saturday with late nights as required.\par \par \b OWNERS AND STAFF:\par \par \b0 Sandra has owned this business for 13 years and she works fulltime within the business. Sandra is assisted by a fulltime hairdresser by the name of Holly. Holly is very competent and willing and an absolutely delightful young lady. Jon works on a Rent a Chair Basis and this works well for the business.\par \b\par LEASE AND RENT:\par \par \b0 The lease term is to be confirmed but around 8 years remain and the rent is super low at only $231 per week plus GST. The premises are of a reasonable size making for a pleasant shop to work in, there is a back functional area also and a garden to the rear to take a break during hot summer months.\par \b\par LEASED PLANT:\par \par \b0 Only leased plant is the Water Cooler. The Eftpos system is owned.\par \par \b SALES AND PROFITS: \par \par \b0 Sales to 31\super st\nosupersub March 2015 were $285,039.91 and full accounts are due shortly.\par \i\par \b\i0 PRICE:\par \par \b0 $59,000 plus stock.\b\par \par EXTRA COMMENTS:\b0 \par \par This really is a great traditional hair salon. The benefit of this business is the regular clientele and the pleasant staff that may wish to stay with a new owner. The business has 2 basins and 6 chairs and is a perfect size for an Owner/Operator to run.\par \par I feel I know this business well as I am a client and attend every 4 weeks for my cut and colour and it is always a pleasure to visit.\par \par \par \par \par \pard\qj\b\par \lang5129\b0\par }


State Auckland
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Business ID 7950
Category Services

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