Laundromat businesses are sought after in New Zealand. Their services are always in demand, and most individual businesses seem to be around for decades in one location. Owning a Laundromat can be a fun, and rewarding experience. But it is important to make a considered decision before embarking on business ownership of any type.  You should learn about the industry first. There are suppliers of equipment within the industry that offer advice to operators of this type of business. Laundromat business owners often own their businesses a very long time so talking to the actual owners will be beneficial also.

The main types of Laundromat businesses in New Zealand are the domestic Laundromat, the commercial Laundromat, and the self service Laundromat.  Each of these have different types of customers.    Domestic Laundromats and self service Laundromats are very popular options as they often have minimal payroll expenses and can be successfully run as an under management business. They have great security options and an owner can manage a business of this nature remotely in some situations.


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